Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two-Thirds of the Way There

Luke at 3                                  Luke at 13

I've just learned that I'm 2/3rds of the way done in raising my son!  Wow, how time flies.  As much as I'd like to think that I'm going to be mothering forever, that time will come to an end.  By the time Luke is 18 I will have completed most of the important work. 

Albeit, I'm still his mom, I won't be needed in the same way. He'll be a man then and, of course, our relationship will not be quite the same.  It's been a blast seeing Luke grow up.  I love (and sometimes shiver) at the teenage years.  I don't know exactly what Luke's future holds, but I certainly know who holds the future. I'm trusting that God will continue the good work He has begun. I pray I'm the mother he deserves and needs. 

Until then, we'll continue to enjoy the soccer games, meets, plays and all the other things that will happen from now on until he no longer participates in these same events.  We'll look forward to the next chapter.  I'm sure it will be full of more exciting and blessed challenges.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Decade

Christmas gifts from Cousin Bethany

There is nothing better than starting out the new year with fresh ideas, new commitments and exciting challenges. I have always liked the beginning of each year because I'm putting away Christmas decorations and decluttering at the same time. My house always feels more open and a little more clean after Christmas celebrations are over and everything has been put away.

But this year in particular is a reflection of the past decade and a look into a new decade ahead. I have changed much in some ways, and in other ways I still struggle with the same sins and shortcomings I did when I was in my 20s. Now I'm in my early 40s (not quite mid!) and I am embracing it with contentment and peace knowing I am facing my half way point of life. If I'm blessed to live into my 80s I hope to look back with awe and gratitude at all that God has given me.

Life must be lived now; there is nothing to wait for in order to start living. Whether you're single, married with fussy babies and toddlers at home, or driving around the county with four or five teenagers, life must be enjoyed, embraced and lived now. Don't wait until the kids get out of a certain stage, or you aren't so tired or your husband doesn't work as much or as hard. Take a moment to grab onto the people that God has given you. Let them know you love them and make sure to laugh with them every single day.

Life is too short, too unpredictable. Enjoy where you are with gusto. You only have this life to live.