Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two-Thirds of the Way There

Luke at 3                                  Luke at 13

I've just learned that I'm 2/3rds of the way done in raising my son!  Wow, how time flies.  As much as I'd like to think that I'm going to be mothering forever, that time will come to an end.  By the time Luke is 18 I will have completed most of the important work. 

Albeit, I'm still his mom, I won't be needed in the same way. He'll be a man then and, of course, our relationship will not be quite the same.  It's been a blast seeing Luke grow up.  I love (and sometimes shiver) at the teenage years.  I don't know exactly what Luke's future holds, but I certainly know who holds the future. I'm trusting that God will continue the good work He has begun. I pray I'm the mother he deserves and needs. 

Until then, we'll continue to enjoy the soccer games, meets, plays and all the other things that will happen from now on until he no longer participates in these same events.  We'll look forward to the next chapter.  I'm sure it will be full of more exciting and blessed challenges.


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